Export & Import Financing

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Export & Import Financing

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Financing for Foreign Buyers

Foreign buyers sometimes require a medium- or long-term financing package to purchase U.S. goods and services. In the cases where private-sector financing is not available, EXIM fills the gap by securing competitive financing for creditworthy international buyers. EXIM can guarantee or insure commercial loans, providing longer-term financing for U.S. export sales. The buyers can be sovereign or sub-sovereign governments, or they can be public or private-sector entities. EXIM loan and loan guarantee repayment terms can be up to 18 yeas.

Project & Structured Financing

EXIM offers flexible options for project & structed financing for foreign buyers. Exim's financing covers a broad cross section of industries, including:

  • thermal and renewable energy
  • mining
  • technology
  • satellites
  • telecommunications
  • transportation
  • infrastructure

EXIM primarily guarantees loans made by commercial lenders to support these exports, but also provides direct loans hen needed. Repayment terms are usually between 10 and 18 years (not including construction), depending on the project characteristics

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